Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You Might Just be Over Qualified. HUH?

Halo there Folks

I know, I know it has been a while since I bloggied.  Well let me tell you. I had a lot to talk about but nothing to talk about.
Do you know what I mean?  You see I have been on a mission. No not to Mars with my boys 30STM’s (which by the way will not be a bad idea might I add, have you seen them they are totally awesome in every way). Even though I have been getting a little Gritty since we will be partying with our Gritty boys this coming Sunday. What up AgainAndAgainWA!!!
I have been on a mission to find myself. Yes I am 30 years of age or not (who is counting right? Shoot I am not).  Yes I am in my 30’s like I said and I am lost.
Yes lost. I thought that at this age I would know who I am and what I want.  Well guess what folks I am wrong and so are you. Yes we both are wrong what are the odds of that? Huh?  I Just figured out maybe like 4 months ago I totally hate where I work. I don’t dislike all my co-workers, I do dislike some of them. (Right I ain't no angel, a goddess maybe but no damn Angel Puuh Leeze!) 
 I went to school for what I am doing at this moment. And lately I really hate waking up, showering, looking for something to wear, getting my high heels on,(& trust me I do have a pretty nice collection), doing my hair, getting my mini me dressed up to school, dropping her off at daycare and then driving all those minutes to work and clocking into work. All thanks too one person who set the wheels in motion and then it all went to hell.
How is it that for the past what 7 or so years I have been doing this same thing I went to school for and just lately I hate the same thing I used too love?
How did this happen? How did this happen? So for the past 60 days I have been online and looking in the news paper for jobs. Oh yes I have been on interviews but get this.
Wait for it wait for it. BAM!!! Here it is. One of the interviews I went for I make more than the office manager herself. Hello? How is that possible?  So you know the outcome of that. Yup no call from them.  Oh well water under the bridge.
Today I had a mini phone interview and home girl on the phone seemed like she was cool. First, she said "well I would like to schedule an interview". I said "OK that is great". She asked me some quick questions you know I guess trying to get to know my phone techniques I guess. Here is part of our convo    AHEM::
Home girl “So M1Mely1 tell me really quick why you are looking to leave your current position?”(wait first off you did not think I will say my name: This is not Destiny Child Puuleeze!!!)
Me: “Well my main reason is the 23-45 minute travel. I would like something closer to my home”
Home girl: “Oh that sounds reasonable, How long have you been there?
Me:  “Oh 5 years”
Home girl: “WOW that is impressive well I need to know what are your actual responsibilities, your skills, etc..”
Me:  BLAH BLAH BLAH BLEE BLAH BLAH  ooo laa laa, ( What the hell ya’ll, I am not gonna tell ya what I do for work geesh a little privacy” Ugh!)
Home girl:  “Oh wow, well just to tell you, first off just right there, you are over qualified for this position. But I will run it through my HR supervisor and call you back for an interview date ok”
Me: “OK” ;?
Right you are thinking what I am thinking. Why the hell doesn’t the lazy HR supervisor call the person instead. Now this home girl will not tell the HR supervisor about me. UGH!! NO make that a triple UGH!!
I have applied for a lot of jobs so many I can’t keep count. It is the same across the board. I work in a different state. I am trying to work in the same city I live in. And this means taking a pay cut. But I am not having such luck.  Oh well I will then on a daily basis keep my search to find myself and find this job. Oh because folks I am looking for jobs that have nothing to do with what I currently do. So I can have a change of pace you can say. But no such luck.  Or maybe once I find this so called better job I can go back to school part time and finish my degree. RIGHT?
Well folks here I am on a quest to find myself. OY I just hope I find myself before I get lost (trust me in mind I am always lost) and it’s too late.
Thanks for listening to me babble. I am out until next time.
CIAO Adios

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