Halo There ,
So Here I am blogging in my bloggy. So I just realized something. I am so mega excited about this charity run I am doing on Oct. 9th.
Here I am training every week, every other day, (trust me I don't look forward to this training thing, I am so not mega excited about it). First I had stopped going to the gym like 3 months prior. (OK, OK you got me I stopped going like I don't know 6 months prior, but who is counting?)
So here I was minding my own business, reading a book at that moment I might of been reading 3 at the same time. (Yes I might have, because I am that awesome.!!!)
My sister calls me, (this will be sis number 2 aka M2). She does work at the hospital directly with patients. Contrary to where I work not directly with patients.
She tells me "yo' what up?".
Me: "Oh nothing just reading, and when I get tired I do a little knitting, why what up with you?,".
M2: "Well I was thinking, there is this huge marathon thing going on in about 8 weeks, and it has a couple of charities listed. And I was wondering, if you wanted to do it with me? Since I want to do it for Juvenile Diabetes." (M2 is a diabetic and she is not even 30 yet).
Me: "Oh um I guess, but I would like to do it for another charity( I get cut off).
M2:" Great,awesome so I signed us up already ,we start training Sunday!!!!" (She called me Saturday night during America's most wanted).
Me: "Oh Well Ok then but, M2 you never worked out in your life, and really we start training tomorrow?".
M2: "Yes aren't you excited? I can't wait? Ok then talk to you tomorrow bright and early Luv Ya! Ciao!, Bye!!! (dial tone)
Me: "Hello , HELLO, HALO!!!! M2 you there? What the??!!!!!!"
And so folks I panicked. I called her back. But this, b*^<ch did not answer. So here I was Sunday morning 8:30 a.m. at the park waiting for her. (Did I mentioned it was Sunday at 8:30 in the mutha*%$#^ morning!!!!!!!!!!!! I DO. NOT. WAKE. UP. that early since my mini me sleeps all night, and sleeps late.!!!)
There I was bright and early looking like the living dead, (cussing her out in my head). No really I looked like I was related to Mr. Zombie's son, sisters, cousin......(distant cousin I am to cute to be directly related to Mr. Zombie).
She had this whole work out with her telling us how we are going to start our training. Aaaaaannnndddd off we went to start our training together. By now she had recruited another friend(we consider her part of the family another sister if you must since she has been with us since 2nd grade). And we shall call her M2 1/2.
I almost died!!! No no let me rephrase that I did die I think, I saw the light with all the Angels and the whole nine yards!!!. By the end of the week we recruited our youngest sister M4. (she is running for asthma research, since she is asthmatic and so is my daughter, and other sister M3). Good for her!!
Oh, I haven't said the charity of my choice. Well let me tell yall, I chose the charity for Autism and Autism research. Why? You ask. Because I have a nephew who is slightly Autistic. (my sister M3 son).
Yes I did say slightly because Autism, just like anything else in this world comes in many forms and levels. His case is not as severe as others but he still has it.
He is a handsome young boy. Smart and brilliant when it comes to certain things(keep in mind he is slightly autistic). He was born deaf and we had no idea until he turned one. His case was not so bad, he went in for the ear surgery, and now he can hear us. But still has not learned to speak correctly. We have to learn sign language as a family, to understand him a little. My hero is 4 years old. This little giant is incredible. This boy has a huge heart, while he has a younger sister she is 2(might I add she is crazy!!!, no the terrible two's have nothing on her, neither does King Kong!!). He is real gentle with her. And any other kids he plays with.
She speaks already (his sis), he does not. He repeats everything we say, but does not form a whole sentence yet. I say yet, because we are hopeful, and prayful, that he will speak in full sentences. He already conquered one of many obstacles, and that is being in school part time with other kids. For those who know about Autism, know this, can be hard for our little giants. We still have a hard time with him when it comes to simple things. And it can be frustrating to us as adults. But then we all think as a family just how much harder it is for him.
Through all this people his father, a wonderful man never gave up. Never gives up. He is so proud of his son. He makes us all proud. This man has been there since day one and has done everything for his son. I mean everything but breast feed him, himself. He would get up at night with his son. Took him with him to his friends, family what ever you name it. This one man, puts many too shame. He makes me want to be a better mother. And trust I do everything for my daughter. Since I am a single mom raising her on my own. (with the help of my sisters of course). Cheers to you DAD!!!
It took us 2 years to have him understand what a hug and kiss was. And now it takes a little begging on our part, but now he does it, and we as sisters go crazy, and each want a turn, for a little of JAM loving. Sometimes I catch a few words. Like "Titi apple please"(while he is speaking, he is signing). I have to catch myself and not scream. "YAY BABY!!!!!!" Instead I say OK and give him his apple, he then signs thank you and also says it. Again folks I have to catch myself and not scream YAY!!!! BABY!!!!.
He is the reason I endure these horrible training session for the run. He is the reason I will be running the race. He is the reason I look forward to this charity run on October 9th. Folks if you met him, He will be your reason to do it also. I do not say this because he is my nephew and I am his TITI, this is (aunt in Spanish), for those who do not know.
I honestly can say I will for now on I do this run for You J.A.M!!!(this is his nickname).
But for those lovely one's like you. I do love my little giant HERO. For inspiring me to learn new things, including sign language.
So for those who is looking to do some good. There are Marathons, and Charity Runs for all types. I say this because in couple of weeks, I will be running for breast cancer research. And not too long ago in my area they had A NO BULLYING Charity Run. Folk flooded this area just for that run.
Well I think I made my point right? If you are looking to do some volunteer work, and do some good, and give to something meaningful. Look into this, you don't have to run, you can jog, and better yet you can walk for these charities.
It does not matter how you get to that finish line. What matters is that you made it to that finish line.
J.A.M this is for you and many like you.. Titi Loves You. .......
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